The North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune from North Platte, Nebraska (2024)

A a 2s PT'Ts 3 1" f- 4 YOL. II. NOBTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13," 1:895: HO. Fall Opening for 1895. We open the Fall campaign with a large and well assorted stock of new goods which we will sell at prices that will be an eye-opener for people who are in need of the following goods: At the present time we are over stocked to such an extent that part of our stock was stopped on the road.

In order to make more room we offer the following inducements: Dry Goods Department. 20 pieces all-wool 1-yard wide Serge, in all colors, regular price 60 cents per yard, at the Boston for 37 cents per yard. 20 pieces of the. finest all-wool ladies' cloth, not Tricot, 1-yard wide, regular price 60 cents, at the Boston for 37 cents. 20 pieces yard wide silk finish Henriettas, regular price 50 cents, at the Boston 28 cents only.

20 pieces of plaid and striped suifc-. iugs, one yard wide, regular price 25 cents, at the Boston 2 cts. a yard, 50 pieces Outiug Flannel, regular 35-cent goods, at the Boston for only 9i cents. S-cenfc Cotton Flannel at 5 cents; 10-cent Cotton Flannel at 7 cents; 12-cent quality at 10 cents; lo-cent kind at 12 cents. the The best feather cents per yard.

Ticking at 15 Shaker Flannel 5 cents per yard and up. 25 pieces Toweling at 4 cents a yard. 10 dozen Linen Towels at 25 cts. per pair. German Blue Priuts at 8 cts.

per vara. Simpson's "blacky gray or Turkey red prints at 6 cts. per yard. The best washable Ginghams at 5 cts. per yd.

ioyds to a customer Furnishing Goods Department. 100 dozen Shirts and Pants for bovs and girls, in gray and tau, sizes irom 36 to 3, for lo cts. per gar ment and up. 50 dozen childrens' all-wool shirts and pants, sizes from 16 to 34, from 25 cts. per garment and np.

75 dozen ladies' ribbed vests, fleece Jined, worth 50 cents, at the Boston for 28 cents ir garment. 50 dozen ladies' all-wool shirts and pants, worth 1.50 per garment at the Boston for only 1.05. 25 dozen misses' combination 'suits, sizes from 2' 3cT'cent' per suit. ioo dozen men's shirts and drawers, double-breasted, at 43 cents per garment. 50 dozen men's all-wool ribbed shirts and drawers, worth 1 .50, at the Boston for $1.05 per garment.

50 dozen men's Jersey overskirts, worth 50 cents, at 40 cts. Men's white shirts from 50 cts. up Men's night-gowns at 88 cts. Men's unlaundried shirts at 45 cts BLANKETS 100 pairs 11-4 Blankets, worth $i50, at the Boston for 1.05 per pair- All-wool Blankets, red, gray and white, from 1.75 up. Yarns in all colors at 68 cts.

per pound. Cotton batts at 5 and up. cents per roll Tee wool in all colors at 12 per box. cents HOSIERY 50 dozen children's hose, all sizes, in gray and black, at 8 cts. per pair.

Boy's seamless fast black bicycle hose at IS cts. per pair. 100 dozen ladies' hose in grav and black at 8 cts. per pair. 50 dozen seamless fast black hose at 38 cts.

per pair. Our stock of ladies', men's and children's hose in wool and cash mere is complete. 25 dozen ladies' cashmere gauntlet gloves at 25 cents per pair. Foster's ladies' kid glbve3 at $1.05 per pair. Ladies' kid gauntlets at $1.25 per pair.

Ladies' and children's mittens, in silk. Saxony and wool, at a great reduction. CORSETS Our 75 cent corsets at 49 cents; Ball's eoraline and Jackson's corset waists at 90 cts. Misses' corset waists, in all at 43 cents. 50 dozen belt buckles, not one worth from 50 cents to $1.

your choice for 25 cents. Handkerchiefs from 3 cts. up. Shoes. Shoes.

Shoes Our children's school shoes are of the best make in the country. We guarantee every pair of them. We have them in all sizes, heel and spring heel, from 75 cts. up. In ladies' shoes we handle the following make uf goods, which aro tho best known ia the country; Padan Bros.

Wise Gooper, Seth Edmunds and Ivirkendull, Jones Co. Every pair of these shoes are guaranteed, and if not satisfactory they will be replace jjy presentation of the faulty pair. 100 dozen ladies' dongola patent tips, pointed or square toes, worth everywhere $2, at tho Boston jnly $1.45. All our ladies Padan Cros. Wise fc Cooper's 83, 3.50 and shoes in but ton, congress or laco at $2.85 per pair.

In men's sboe3 we can sell you a good pair in congress or laco at 31.50 per pair. We carry a full line of men's Calf-skin boots, high and low heels. Clothing Department a Our clothing department is located ip the rear end of the store. The very best overalls at Go cents; men's good cotton-ado pants at 51; ail-wool Kerseys at children's knee-pants suits from 4 to 13, 1.50 and up. We carry men's suits, men's, boy's and children's overcoats, gloves and mittens, hats and caps, trunks and valises.

Everything at tho lowest prices. This sale will last during the entire month of September. Cut qhis ad from the paper and bring it with you to the store so yoj may see that we sell goods at the prices we advertise. Remember these goods are sold for CASH ONLY. THE BOSTON STORE, i.

PI2ER, Prop. YOUNG MEITS BEETJEUCAir CLUB. On Wednesday evening a number of the young republicans of North Platte met at J. S. BToagland's office for the purpose of organizing-a Lincoln County Younff Men's Republican Club.

The boys were enthusiastic in the discussion of the question of orgauization. A tern porary organization was effected by tho selection of H. C. Nesbitt as chair man and W. V.

Hoagland secretary. Committees on constitution and by-laws and resolutions were appointed. It was was resolved to ask the ward primaries in the city to give tho club one delegate to tho county convention from the First ward, two from the Second ward and one from tho Third ward. The club adjourned to meet at the court house next Monday at 7:30 o'clock. This meeting is intended to be a big organization rallr.

Short speeches will be made by Messrs. Grimes', Hoagland, French andliVilcox on the "Young Man in Politics." There will also be speeches by the young men. A report will be read from tho committees, und a permanent organization effected. Every young republican in the city and county should be out to this meeting and there can be formed here" a Young Men's Republican Club that will be second to none in the state. The public i3 also invited to attend.

Tho young republicans should ba given great encouragement in their efforts to thus organize the young men. Tho timo has been when this element was looked upon as infants, so to speak, to vote and blindly follow in the foot steps of their fathers. A man must be ton to fifteen years in politics before he is considered a competent person to be recognized Thus" has arisen the expression that a young man is a republi can because his father is. This should not be. The" young mnn should bo taught to think for himself and to do this he must be organized.

This recog nition can only come under tho present condition of things from an organized and united effort of the young men themselves. Wonders are being accomplished in the oast in thi3 manner. In county this fall Sam E. Low, a young man about twenty-one years old, was nominated by the republicans for clerlrof the district court," the best ffice In tho county. As a result the young men-are out iaLswarms helping to eloct the county ticket.

Let us have seme of this enthusiasm here. Let us get the young men interested and the party need have, no fear of being defeated. Come out Monday ovoning and see tho boys organize. Young Republican. The North Platta and Wyoming' Eailway.

Ed Sear of tho Golden Jlule store and Mr Gering, toth of, returned last week from North Platte where they -have-beon negotiating" mhoEBcefff the Burlington road. They aro trying. to get the new road to he built through. Gering and came back nopef ul. Messrs.

Martin Gering and Ed Sayre went through, here on their way to North Platte last week. They conferred with the people or. iiatie ana are in hopes of getting a railroad from 2orth Platte to Gering. The Gering Courier says: "They found the people there en thusiastic, by reason of encouragemen which, had been extonaea. a company will be organized at after further conference with the Union Pacific re ceivers, and there is good reason to be lieve that a road from North Platte to Gering will be the result and not in.

the remotely distant future, either. Banner. County Republican. The railroad question has occasioned considerable discussion Jhere; this week? There is little difference of opinion as to a. the extent to wnicn it woum oe proper to encourage the scheme, by voting bonds if necessary, as it will no doubt be.

There would be twenty-two miles of the county line up to Gering if the road went no farther at present. The valua tion of that amount would be fully eight or ten thousand dollars per mile, and would double our assessment at onco, to say nothing of the influx of population and property which would follow the building of a road. It would evidently be a good business proposition, therefore, to vote bonds, if nothing was to be se cured except the assessable property, for the road would more than pay it itself However, the publio is agreed as to the necessity for a road on every other count, and the need was never better realized than now, when wheat, for in stance, is only worth 30 cents at the rail road and it costs that to take it there As a county we need a railroad to put us into communication with outside we can sell what we raise under canals that we already "than we need more canals. If a matter of ten or fifteen thousand dollars, in county bonds will assist ln.brmging in a railroad 'believe tKenxranty would say the word on demand. Gering Courier.

chool Supplies Qi all kinds at O. NEWTON'S, A Tablet 5x8 inches for one cent. The largest and best five-cent -Tablets ever brought to North Platte. The finest line of all grades of Tablets. A ruler or lead pencil given with every 5 and 10 cent Tablet.

lG, M. Newton's Book Store COUNTY COxOHSSIONEBS' PROCEEDINGS Sopt. 5th. Board met in pursuance of call of. countv clerk.

Present full board and county clerk. On petition G. W. Roberts was ap pointed director for district No. 2, of Maxwell and Brady Island irrigation district to fill vacancy caused by resignation of T.

Roberts. Resignation of Geo. Stroup, overseer of highways district No. 21 was accepted, anu JUdwara Jiives appointed to nil va cancy. Official bond of Henry Hanfeldt, over seer of highways for district No.

47, was approved. By orders of the board districts Nos. 5 and 6 are consolidated under the name of road district No, Claim of J. T. Murphy for S9.

75 for bridge work allowed on bridge fund. Final action was taken upon the vacation of portions of roads numbered 11 and.20 and petitions granted. Sept. Gth. Commissioners Hill and Thomson inspect bridges on roads No.

171 and 183. Contract for grading on road No. 183 to Jas. Teel at 6 34 cents per cubic yard for sand grading, and 15 cents per cubic yard for hauling top dressing, work to be commenoed at once. Sept.

7tb. Board met; present Hill Thomson and county clerk, Solomon Funk appointed overseer of highways for district No. 44. Resignation of E. H.

Sherman, overseer of highways for district No. 31 accepted and L. Purdy appointed to fill vacancy. Application F. Myers for admission to Soldiers' home at Grand Island was approved.

Claim of O. A. Hostetter for $1.50 was. alloweS on fridge fund. Qlaim oiS.

Clark fqr $100 on account of bridge work pnrodsNa. 171 and 183 allowed on bridge fund. Final aotion taken upon the vacation of a portion of road No. 98, and petition granted. Claim of N.

Enright for freight for $1.40 allowed on bridge fund. Claim of Wm. Johnson for $30 for bridge work allowed on bridge fund. R. D.

Thomson moved that W. H. "Welty be appointed to finish the delinquent personal tax list at $2 per day. Resolution adopted. -Smojie WrightVRoyal Sports nd Havana Kose 5-cent SUTHERLAND SLETINGS.

The Union Pacific outfit working road taxe3 struck our village on. Thursday. John Hawley attended lodge at tho county seat on Wednesday evening. Jean Bobbitt is helping- Ed Richards on tho beef round-up this week. F.

A. Carpenter has a pet coon at the depot that attracts considerable atten tion. John Hostetter, of Rock Springs, Wy oming, has been visiting with relatives in this vicinity-tho past two weeks. Henry Fogel, of Hershoy, was market ing oats at our elevator on Wednesday. School opened on Monday with Wm Porter as teacher.

3Ir. Porter now occupies tho Streitz houeo east of Elmer Coates1, having moved his family from Hershey on Thursday last. W. M. Holtry was called to Indiana last weok by sickness in his Hogsett Thurbor have completed the Hunter schoolhouse snd Mr.

Hogsett returned to 'North Platte Wednesday morning. building is said to be well built and very neatly finished. Chas. Richards and E. A.

Crosby returned from their Hastings visit on Thursday. They report crop3 as very light in that locality. F. A. Carpenter's ather.f rom St.

Paul, is spending thi3 week in our village. Sutherland has contributed a nice display to tho State fair. Most of it was from the farms of David. Hunter and Geo. Emerson, but the gardens around town are well represented, Banker Harper, of Wallace, was in our village Monday looking up some parties that had left the dry land farms in that locality.

J. J. Reed has the framework up for his dwelling house. Wm. Foyer, who has been living at Neilson's ranch for some' years, died on Tuesday last after a very short illness, the interment took place at 2 o'clock on Wednesday at the Sutherland cemetery.

Photographer Broach, of, the hub, was in this locality on Tuesday taking pictures of the various points of interest on the irrigating canals. G. W. Applegate is building an addi tion to his dwelling house on Front street. W.

Holtry returned yesterday from his eastern trip. C. Burklund and N. W. White- sides spent Monday at the county seat.

Walker Roach finished workjit Keith's ranch on Monday and started at once for his home south of Paxton. The principal amusem*nt the past week has been fishing in the Platte river and some of the fishermen have been so successful that our meat, market people T'" NEW Elegant: new Dress Goods at Rennie's. Handsome novelties in Dress G-oods cheaper than ever before offered. In our Shoe department we offer special inducements. jDa-dies' and Gent's Fine Shoes at Rennie's this week at 25 off.

RENNIE'S. RENISriE'S claim moat spoils on their hands for want of consumers. Elmer Coates lost a pocket-book on Monday which he is very anxious to recover, and has posted notices offoring a reward for return of sarao. C. F.

ladings was on our strePts'Tues-day looking up business affairs. NICHOLS AND HERSEEY NEWS. Parties from Logan county were purchasing caltle this country tho firstof the week. Jim Tolly is reported as critically ill. Xnvier Toillipn sold C.

F. Iddings, of tho Platte, about 700 bushels of wheat at fifty cents per buhol end delivered the same this week. Supt. Seebergor shipped a car load of oats to Colorado from this station last Wednesday. Mr.

and Mrs. Geo. E. Sullivan's little baby about two and a half months of age died last Tuesday morning. The funeral was held from the rosidence Wednesday at 10 o'clock, Rey.

Hard away, of North Platte, officiating. The interment took place at the North Platte ceraeterv. Many a heart beats in sym pathy with tho bereaved parents in this their sad hour of affliction. The present warm weather is matur ing corn iu fine shape. The pops in this precinct are not very enthusiastic over their political pros pects at tho present time.

Elder Locke, of the county seat are baling and loading hay at "Spudville." J. W. Liles and family returned re turned recently from a visit in Gothen burg. Road overseer Funkhouser is working on the highwaj-s with- a gang of men and teams. Tho Patterson Alexander outfit from tho Platte have completed their baying in this locality and returned home.

Grandpa Toillion was recently kicked on the knee by a broncho, inflicting a painful though not serious wound. The parties from. Perkins county who have been farming the plow land on ca nal section twenty-five, near Nichols, are also putting up hay on the same section north of tho railroad track. It is said that the proceeds of tho dance recently given in tho new school building will bo devoted to the purchase of a bell for the building. Ten emigrant wagons and quite a a herd of horses passed east this morn ing.

Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Thompson were gathering wild fruits along the Bird- wood the latter part of last week.

Oecar Wright has his sorghum mill ready for business, and as there is quite crop of cane in tho valley, he will undoubtedly have a good run. J. G. Feeken is hauling to the county seat the wheat ho recently sold to F. Iddings.

A married sister of Mrs. Gr E. Sulli van accompanied by her two children, of Oberhn, Ohio, are visiting her at present. The republican primary for this pre cinct, held at Hershey last evening, was largely attended and a deep interest manifested by all present. The following delegates were elected to the county convention: S.

L. Funkhouser, J. L. Strickler and W. A.

Loker, after which thefollowing precinct ticket was nomi nated: Assessor, D. H. Eyerly; for justices of the peace, J. Prickott and S. L.

Funkhouser; constables, W. A. Loker and Wm. Funkhouser; road ovor- seer, to be filled by petition; judges of election, H. W.

Brown, J. W.Pnckett and W. H. Sullivan; clerks of election, A. O.

"Randall and S. H. Phenicie. New and Decided Attractions Every department filled to overflowing. Your attention is now invited to our MAGNIFICENT NEW STOCK OE CLOTHING 9 Jt Mens' Furnishing Goods, Hats, CAPS, AND A -FULL LINE OF Men's Boots and Shoesv NOTICE FOR Land Office at North Platte, September 10th, 1S93.

named settler has tiled notice of his intention to mate linal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the Register and Receiver at North Platte. on October 19th, 1S55, viz: GEORGE R. JOHNSON. who made homestead entry No. fcr the south half of the northeast quarter and the north Half of the southeast quarter section 28, township 12 north, range 31 -west.

He names the following: witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Axnandes Kunkel, Milton Baker. Joseph H. Baker and Alexander CraiKie, all of North Platte. Neb. Tirt) oln jr.

uiNiiAN, setter. StSLF Clothing House- WEBER VOLLMER, Props. Capital, -Surplus, $22,500.00 E. M. F.

LEFLANG-, fe2 ARTHUR McNAMARA, 4 A General Banking Business SPECIAL HOE SALE i Otten's Shoe Store PRICES CUT IN TWO. In order to swap shoes for money we will offer our ladies' nne juuaiow bnoes, Regular price $4,00 to $4.75, at $3.00. Here is a chance to have a fine shoe for a little All our Men's $3.50 Shoes at $2.25. All our Boy's fine lace and button shoes, the best made, $2.50 Shoe at $1.65 $1.65 Shoe $1. A large line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Slipperef will be sold at prices that will Save you 1-3 to 1-2 of your Children's Shoes, the best goods that money can buy, will De siaugnterea at tne same rate.

Otten's Shoe Store. USTZEW -LirVIEIRY" JL3STJD PEED STABLE (Old rJoran Stalolb.) Grood Teams, Prices Comfortable Higs, ions for lb Fannin? hh ReasonaM corner of Courthouse square..

The North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune from North Platte, Nebraska (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.