Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (2024)

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Last updated on 1 feb 2024

  1. Todo
  2. Administración de empresas
  3. Atención al cliente

Con tecnología de la IA y la comunidad de LinkedIn


Elige el software de chat en vivo adecuado


Capacita bien a tus agentes


Estar disponible y receptivo


Personaliza tus interacciones


Pide feedback y mejora


Esto es lo que hay que tener en cuenta

Administrar una tienda en línea puede ser un desafío, especialmente cuando se trata de satisfacer a sus clientes. Desea crear una experiencia de compra positiva que fomente la lealtad, las referencias y las compras repetidas. Pero, ¿cómo puedes hacerlo cuando no puedes ver o interactuar con tus clientes cara a cara? Una de las mejores maneras es brindar una excelente atención al cliente a través de un software de chat en vivo. Aquí hay algunos consejos sobre cómo usar el chat en vivo de manera efectiva para mantener contentos a sus clientes.

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  • Glimpse Legal Translation☑️ We Help Businesses with Real estate for Online Notary Services | Legal Translation Services | Legal Typing and…

    Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (3) 2

  • Nakul Fandan Actively Seeking Opportunities in Customer Success, Project Execution, Client Services, and Account Management

    Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (5) 1

  • Diego F. Rico Padilla Internationalist | Digital Transformation and eGovervance Enthusiast

    Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (7) 1

Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (8) Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (9) Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (10)

1 Elige el software de chat en vivo adecuado

Al buscar un software de chat en vivo, es importante encontrar una solución que se adapte a las necesidades, el presupuesto y los objetivos de su negocio. Considere características como la fácil instalación e integración con su sitio web y otras herramientas, widgets de chat personalizables y receptivos que coincidan con su marca y diseño, enrutamiento y colas inteligentes para conectar a los clientes con los agentes adecuados, saludos y activadores automatizados para iniciar conversaciones y capturar clientes potenciales, chatbots y respuestas enlatadas para manejar consultas comunes y ahorrar tiempo. así como análisis e informes para medir y mejorar su rendimiento.

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  • Glimpse Legal Translation☑️ We Help Businesses with Real estate for Online Notary Services | Legal Translation Services | Legal Typing and Attestation Services l Power of Attorney(POA)
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    To ensure client satisfaction with your online store, it is crucial to acquire the appropriate live chat software.-Consider your company's specific requirements when deciding on a platform, but make sure it has features like chat history, real-time contact, and customizable settings. -Verify that it integrates smoothly with your platform and website. A user-friendly solution that is compatible with mobile devices is essential for accessibility. -Your consumers will have a better overall purchasing experience if you invest in the correct live chat software and make it easy for them to ask questions immediately.



    Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (19) 2

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  • Nakul Fandan Actively Seeking Opportunities in Customer Success, Project Execution, Client Services, and Account Management
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    Providing excellent customer service requires responding to inquiries promptly and courteously to make customers feel valued. It's important to maintain transparency in business practices by clearly communicating policies, procedures, and pricing. Avoid hidden fees or charges to ensure transparency.*Identify the common pain points faced by your customers and try to eliminate them. example, if customers are unhappy with long shipping times, consider providing faster shipping options.*Make sure your website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, with live help available in different languages. Moreover, the checkout process should be simple, and multiple payment options should be provided to cater to different customer preferences.



    Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (28) 1

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  • Diego F. Rico Padilla Internationalist | Digital Transformation and eGovervance Enthusiast
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    In order to survive as a business and as a brand focused on online commerce, it is important to have a human presence. This is understood as the ability of the business to connect organically with its audience. The strategy should aim to achieve loyalty and this for an online store translates to not only showcase products and services, but the efforts behind it.



    Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (37) 1

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  • Fatma Adel Sr. Customer Service Leader | Transforming Interactions into Delighted Customers | 8+ Years of Building Customer Loyalty | Building High-Performing Teams for Exceptional Service | Turning Challenges into Smiles.
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    Offer excellent customer serviceProvide a seamless shopping experienceOffer competitive pricesHave a high-quality product and meet the expectations of your customers.Offer free shipping is a great way to incentivize customers to buy from Have a good return policyGet feedback from your customersKeep your customers informed about new products, promotions, and other important news. Email notificationReward your loyal customersMake it easy for customers to contact you: Make sure your customers know how to contact you if they have any questions or problems.



    Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (46) 2

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    Consider features like easy installation and integration with your website and other tools, customizable and responsive chat widgets that match your brand and design, smart routing and queueing to connect customers with the right agents, automated greetings and triggers to initiate conversations and capture leads, chatbots and canned responses to handle common queries and save time, as well as analytics and reporting to measure and improve your performance.



    Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (55) 1

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2 Capacita bien a tus agentes

Sus agentes de chat en vivo son la primera línea de su atención al cliente, por lo que deben ser amables, profesionales y conocedores. Para garantizar un servicio de alta calidad, debe contratar agentes con excelentes habilidades de comunicación, resolución de problemas y empatía. Además, proporcione pautas y expectativas claras para su función y comportamiento, equipe con los recursos y la información necesarios para responder a las preguntas de los clientes, monitoree y entrene regularmente para que brinden retroalimentación y apoyo, y recompense y reconozca sus logros y contribuciones.

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  • Give them a positive workspace that keeps them in a good mood. Encourage them to take breaks whenever they feel stressed. Remind them constantly that they have lots of backup and can always ask for help. After all, behind every compassionate agent stands a supportive and compassionate leader.



    Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (64) 1

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  • Glimpse Legal Translation☑️ We Help Businesses with Real estate for Online Notary Services | Legal Translation Services | Legal Typing and Attestation Services l Power of Attorney(POA)
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    To satisfy online store customers, you need well-trained customer service staff.-Train them in all product areas, communication, and problem-solving. Remind everyone that being upbeat and compassionate when handling consumer inquiries is crucial.-Keep your employees informed of new policies, goods, and trends to stay current. -Agent training helps your team provide excellent service, which thrills customers and encourages repeat business.



    Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (73) 1

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  • Metin Ablachim A worker
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    Achieving synergy between a great product and an exceptional customer support team involves fostering a deep understanding of customer needs through continuous research and feedback. By ensuring that the support team is thoroughly trained on the product, establishing clear communication channels, providing comprehensive support documentation, and implementing a CRM system, the organization can create a seamless connection between the product and support functions.


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  • Abdul Wahab khan
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    Ensuring that your customer service agents are well-trained is essential for customer satisfaction in an online store. Equip them with in-depth product knowledge, effective communication skills, and problem-solving abilities. A well-trained team can efficiently address customer inquiries, resolve issues promptly, and provide a positive buying experience.


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  • Jemimah Njeru Authentic content writer
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    A business agent is the face of the business. How they deal with a client will have a 100% impact on the business be it negatively or positively. For the longevity and success of a business, passionate individuals who resonate with the values,vision and mission of an enterprise are a big plus.


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3 Estar disponible y receptivo

Los clientes esperan un soporte rápido y conveniente cuando compran en línea, sin tener que esperar horas o días para obtener una respuesta. Para cumplir con estas expectativas, debe mostrar claramente sus horas de chat en vivo y su disponibilidad en su sitio web. Los chatbots o los formularios fuera de línea se pueden usar para recopilar detalles y solicitudes de los clientes cuando no está en línea. Cuando responda a los chats entrantes, hágalo lo más rápido posible, en unos segundos si es posible. Reconozca los problemas de los clientes y pida disculpas por cualquier inconveniente, así como proporcione soluciones o alternativas precisas y útiles.

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    To meet these expectations, you should clearly display your live chat hours and availability on your website. Chatbots or offline forms can be used to collect customer details and requests when you're not online. When responding to incoming chats, do so as quickly as possible, within a few seconds if possible.



    Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (106) 1

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  • Metin Ablachim A worker
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    In my experience, the faster you solve a customer's problem the more trust you earn from them, responding genuinely and acting fast will help build that customer relationship


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  • Jemimah Njeru Authentic content writer
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    Who wants to do business with someone who never hears them out? Who wants to stay where they are not recognized? A business should purpose to satisfy the needs of a client . Chatbots are a convenient and timely way to do it .


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  • Moinul Hoque Choudhury Beat the Competition: Boost SEO Rankings and Revenue. Let's Skyrocket Your Online Success! #SEO #BusinessGrowth #Marketing
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    Customers in our online store value swift and convenient support. We prominently display live chat hours to manage expectations and use chatbots during offline periods to collect customer details and requests. Responding rapidly within seconds, we prioritize acknowledging issues, apologizing for any inconvenience, and offering accurate solutions or alternatives. This ensures a seamless and responsive support experience, meeting our customers' expectations for timely assistance.


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  • Glimpse Legal Translation☑️ We Help Businesses with Real estate for Online Notary Services | Legal Translation Services | Legal Typing and Attestation Services l Power of Attorney(POA)
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    You need to be available and fast to reply if you want your online store customers to be delighted. -Verify that people are keeping tabs on your customer support channels, such as social media, email, and live chat. Showing concern for the satisfaction of your customers is demonstrated by promptly addressing their inquiries and concerns.-Another option to be instantly available is to use chatbots or automated replies. Customers are more likely to return and spend alonger time shopping when you consistently respond to their questions and concerns.


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4 Personaliza tus interacciones

Tratar a los clientes como individuos en lugar de números es una forma segura de hacerlos sentir valorados y comprendidos. Para personalizar sus interacciones, use sus nombres y pronombres cuando se dirija a ellos, y use un lenguaje positivo y amigable para establecer una buena relación. Mostrar empatía y aprecio por sus comentarios y lealtad demostrará aún más su compromiso con ellos. Además, adaptar tus ofertas y recomendaciones en función de sus preferencias e historial te ayudará a crear una experiencia más personalizada. Por último, hacer un seguimiento de ellos después del chat es clave para garantizar su satisfacción y retención.

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    Personalized interactions, in a business context, are about creating individualized relationships with customers or prospects based on their specific preferences, behaviors, and needs. It's designing a unique, tailored experience that makes the individual feel recognized and valued.



    Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (147) 1

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  • Abdul Wahab khan
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    Personalization is key to fostering a strong connection with customers in an online store. Utilize customer data to personalize interactions, addressing customers by name and recommending products based on their purchase history. Tailor communication to their preferences, whether through email, chat, or other channels. Creating a personalized experience enhances customer loyalty and satisfaction.


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  • Jemimah Njeru Authentic content writer
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    Personalizing an interaction will always speak volumes about the relationship you have with your clients. They feel as if they are part of the business hence loyalty. This way a continuous improvement is guaranteed for they are able to air their dissatisfaction in a friendly manner and with ease.


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  • Arina Muracheva Dedicated to Cloud Innovation and Consulting | Bridging IT Solutions for Enhanced Performance
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    From a cloud architecture perspective, ensure that the live chat system utilizes cloud services that can dynamically scale to store and process customer data. This data can then be used to personalize interactions in real-time. Machine learning models hosted in the cloud can analyze customer behavior, enabling the software to tailor recommendations and services proactively. Furthermore, cloud-based analytics can track the effectiveness of these personalized strategies, providing insights for continuous improvement. Security is also paramount; personalization requires handling sensitive data, so the architecture must include robust security measures compliant with data protection regulations.


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  • Moinul Hoque Choudhury Beat the Competition: Boost SEO Rankings and Revenue. Let's Skyrocket Your Online Success! #SEO #BusinessGrowth #Marketing
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    Treating customers as individuals, not numbers, is crucial for fostering a sense of value. Personalize interactions by using names and pronouns, employing positive language, and expressing empathy. Appreciating feedback and loyalty reinforces commitment. Tailoring offers based on preferences enhances the personalized experience. Following up post-chat is essential for satisfaction and retention, solidifying our dedication to individualized customer care.


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5 Pide feedback y mejora

Los comentarios de los clientes son esenciales para mejorar su atención al cliente y su tienda en línea. Puede ayudarte a entender lo que estás haciendo bien y dónde necesitas hacer cambios. Además, muestra a los clientes que valoras sus opiniones y experiencias. Para solicitar comentarios y mejorar, considere la posibilidad de utilizar encuestas o calificaciones para medir la satisfacción y la lealtad del cliente. Además, haga preguntas abiertas para obtener información específica y procesable. Asegúrate de agradecer a los clientes sus comentarios y asegúrales que los usarás para mejorar. Analice los comentarios y actúe en consecuencia para abordar los puntos débiles y las expectativas de los clientes. Por último, comunica los cambios y mejoras que has realizado a tus clientes.

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    It can help you understand what you're doing right and where you need to make changes. Moreover, it shows customers that you value their opinions and experiences. To ask for feedback and improve, consider using surveys or ratings to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, ask open-ended questions to gain specific and actionable insights.



    Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (188) 1

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  • Abdul Wahab khan
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    Actively seek feedback from customers to understand their experiences and areas for improvement. Implementing a feedback system, such as surveys or reviews, allows customers to share their opinions. Use this valuable input to identify pain points, address concerns, and enhance the overall shopping experience. Demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement builds trust and keeps customers happy.



    Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (197) 1

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  • Moinul Hoque Choudhury Beat the Competition: Boost SEO Rankings and Revenue. Let's Skyrocket Your Online Success! #SEO #BusinessGrowth #Marketing
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    Customer feedback is crucial for refining our online store and support. Utilizing surveys and open-ended questions measures satisfaction and gathers specific insights. Express gratitude for feedback, analyze it, and act to address concerns. Transparently communicate improvements to showcase our commitment to enhancing the customer experience.


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  • Glimpse Legal Translation☑️ We Help Businesses with Real estate for Online Notary Services | Legal Translation Services | Legal Typing and Attestation Services l Power of Attorney(POA)
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    Asking for feedback is a great way to make sure your online store is satisfying your clients. -Motivate individuals to share their thoughts and experiences by starting conversations, questionnaires, or reviews. Use this useful information to quickly find ways to improve and fix issues. -By pledging to use customer input to improve your services, you will show that you appreciate their opinions and provide the groundwork for future success. -Consequently, the business shifts its focus to the consumer, which increases customer loyalty and strengthens ties with the brand over time.


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6 Esto es lo que hay que tener en cuenta

Este es un espacio para compartir ejemplos, historias o ideas que no encajan en ninguna de las secciones anteriores. ¿Qué más te gustaría añadir?

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  • Saúl Sánchez Iglesias ¿Dificultades con la visibilidad online? ¿Tu web no funciona? ¿El SEO no te da resultados? Lee este perfil.Consultor SEO, diseño web WordPress y marketing digital sin tecnicismos ni clichés.
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    Un error común de atención al cliente en las tiendas online es la falta de «atención».— Canales habilitados pero sin atender— Implementan un chat y tardan horas incluso días en contestar— Fallos en la experiencia de usuario para usar canales de comunicación— Falta de formación en comunicación al clienteLa atención al cliente en canales digitales tiene mayor impacto de lo que creemos, no hay tono de voz, no hay lenguaje corporal; mucha la veces son solo palabras y debemos ser cuidadosos y tener un protocolo implementado.A menudo encuentro canales en el que te hablan de usted por chat y te derivan a un email que hablan de tú automatizado y esto dura días.Internet es inmediato.


    Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (222) 1

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  • Lorena Martínez Pérez Experta en ventas B2CLiderazgo de equiposFormaciónAnálisis de calidadMejora continua
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    Asegurarte de que el producto es tal cual aparece en la web. Los plazos de entrega adecuados y la forma de pago ágil y sencilla

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  • Sherif Sabry 💡 LinkedIn top 1% Customer Service Voice | Founder @ BULKY EGYPT | Strategic B2B Marketing and Sales professional | Customer Service Expert | Chemicals Import/Export Specialist
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    To keep your customers happy while running an online store, it's crucial to focus on several key areas:❤️ Excellent Customer Service❤️ High-Quality Products❤️ Smooth Online Experience❤️ Personalization❤️ Transparency and Trust❤️ Feedback and Reviews❤️ Loyalty Programs❤️ Proactive Communication🎯 By prioritizing these aspects, you can create a positive and satisfying shopping experience for your customers, ultimately driving customer loyalty and advocacy for your online store.


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  • Chioma Emefo I Will Give You Stellar Support Anytime || Dynamic Virtual Assistant || Customer Service Specialist || CRM
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    Keeping your customers happy while running your online store is no small feat, but you can achieve that by: Being available and responsive with the right chat software. Always personalize your interaction with each customer, no two customer are the same. Ask for feed back to know where you need an improvement


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  • Sourav Kundu Customer Care Colleague at Barclays Bank UK
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    1. Personalise it: Recommend products, offer exclusive deals, and send birthday greetings.2. Make it seamless: Simplify checkout, offer multiple payment options, and ensure mobile-friendliness.3. Prioritise transparency: Provide clear descriptions, accurate shipping estimates, and trackable orders.4. Go the extra mile: Reward loyalty, offer free returns, and surprise customers with handwritten notes.5. Listen and respond: Actively engage on social media, promptly address concerns, and implement customer feedback.Happy customers come back for more. Make their online experience delightful, and watch your store thrive!


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Atención al cliente Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (255)

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Tienes una tienda online. ¿Cómo puedes mantener contentos a tus clientes? (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Last Updated:

Views: 5910

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.